Hello jorl17, thanks for posting that info, but I am not sure how it helps. I have wine1.1.31 already installed. However, I followed your instructions (I had seen some of them before on the git-wine site), and after installing flex and bison running ./configure I get: Code: configure: error: X development files not found. Wine will be built without X support, which probably isn't what you want. You will need to install development packages of Xlib/Xfree86 at the very least. Use the --without-x option if you really want this. Apparently, looking at ubuntuforums, I could need: # bison (got it) # flex (got it) # gcc # libc6-dev # libfontconfig-dev (libfontconfig1-dev) # libfreetype6-dev # libgl-dev (libgl1-mesa-dev or xlibmesa-gl-dev) # libglu-dev (libglu1-mesa-dev or xlibmesa-glu-dev) # libgphoto2-dev (libgphoto2-2-dev) # libice-dev # libjpeg-dev (libjpeg62-dev) # libldap-dev (libldap2-dev) # libncurses5-dev # libpng-dev (libpng12-dev) # libsm-dev # libssl-dev # libusb-dev # libx11-dev # libxcomposite-dev # libxcursor-dev # libxext-dev # libxi-dev # libxinerama-dev # libxml2-dev # libxrandr-dev # libxrender-dev # libxslt-dev (libxslt1-dev) # libxt-dev # libxxf86vm-dev # make # x-dev !!!! The problem could come from: Code: ~/wine-git$ git am 0001*.txt 0002*.txt previous rebase directory /home/paul/wine-git/.git/rebase-apply still exists but mbox given. Lost here, I'm afraid :? Does this help? > ~/wine-git$ git status > # On branch master > # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. > # > nothing to commit (working directory clean) Any ideas please? Kind regards