Hello I have an old 16bit application, that i need to run with wine... Debug information: http://files.wmx.ch/upload/zip/70_wine-debug.log.zip This app is based on modules and each modules has it's own .exe file.. when you switch from one module to another module, the other .exe file/app will be loaded and then the crash happens... It's a german software... if someone can help.. here is the setup of the app: http://files.wmx.ch/upload/zip/70_SINADv1-SETUP.zip. Just install it and select all modules/options.. WINEPREFIX=~/.wine.SINAD wine SETUP.EXE Then in windows/win.ini you need to add this at the end of win.ini: [intl] sDecimal=. sThousand=' After installation and changing win.ini try that: Start sinad.exe, first cd into installation directory: cd ~/.wine.SINAD/drive_c/Program Files/SINAD then WINEPREFIX=~/.wine.SINAD wine Sinad.exe Next, select the "999 Vorgabe Mandant" with enter then click on the menu "Module" and click one of the module.. it will start another .exe an crash... Each module has it's own exe.. you will see that in "program files/sinad" Thanks really a lot for help... kind regards from switzerland.. phantom (gamer) - noaXess (IRC) - thomi (real) :)