Moin, I think about to buy a software defined radio. This is, more or less, a bundle of hard and software, connected to an antenna and the usb port. The software is only available for windows. Due the fact that soft- and hardware will cost 200€EUR I want to be sure that it will run with wine. The crux of the matter is the usb connection. The autor of the software wrote: CIAOradio is a win32 application a version is compiled with DevCpp (GCC) and a second is compiled with VisualStudio 2009, this is a little faster but requires the MS runtime visual studio routines. The program is quite cpu consuming as it runs at 50% of dualcore at 2GHz, 1GB ram is ok. H101[this is the hardware] is connected as an audio USB codec and uses the usbaudio.sys driver of Microsoft operating system. I'm not a Linux expert, nevertheless I suggest you to verify is WINE supports usbaudio.sys. I gave a demo version of this software a try. It starts, but says "No USB card driver". Because I don't have the hardware yet. So the question is: will I be able to use an application that expect usbaudio.sys support for the attached device? Thanks -- |Michael Renner E-mail: michael.renner@xxxxxx | |D-81541 Munich Germany ICQ: #112280325 | |Germany Don't drink as root! ESC:wq