TL;DR version: I have 2 apps running in a virtual desktop, I need one of them to be in always-on-top mode. How do I set this up? Full explanation: I have EVE online running in a virtual desktop, EVE: wine explorer /desktop=EVE2,1600x1200 /home/USER/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/CCP/EVE/eve.exe I also want to run ScanAid ( (a little scan helper program for EVE) in the same virtual desktop. This works: wine explorer /desktop=EVE2 /home/USER/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/ScanAid/ScanAid.exe I need to have ScanAid always on top, or be able to switch to it (on-top is better). As it is I can get ScanAid up and running, and even displaying the helper circles, but as soon as I click on EVE the EVE window comes to the top and I can't reselect scanaid. Alt-tab just tabs between my actual Linux windows. It seems to stay on top outside of a virtual desktop, but I'm running 2 eve clients, and thus need to be able to switch between them.