Hi, have deleted the two files mentioned, according to the Terminal screen, dotnet2 is installed. When i try to install Autocad 2006, I get halfway through installing dotnet1.1 from the disc and the installation stops. This is the error message from the log file "[Info] Windows Installer upgrade is not required [9/13/2009 21:59:18] System Version = 3.1.4000.2435 [9/13/2009 21:59:18] Installation skipped: MSI Runtime 3.0 [9/13/2009 21:59:18] [Info] .NET Framework Runtime upgrade is not required [9/13/2009 21:59:18] System Version = 1.1.4322.573 [9/13/2009 21:59:18] Installation skipped: .NET Framework Runtime 1.1 [9/13/2009 21:59:18] Installation started: .NET Framework Runtime 1.1 SP1 [9/13/2009 21:59:18] Command = "support\dotnetfx\NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe" /I /Q [9/13/2009 22:01:44] [Error: 1603] ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE [9/13/2009 22:01:44] Installation failed: .NET Framework Runtime 1.1 SP1 [9/13/2009 22:01:44] Installation aborted [9/13/2009 22:01:56] === Installation ended ===" Also is mentioned is " SLI d66.tmp". Anyone of any assistance? cheers,