And I'm Back! Well, I've got more progress. I'm not giving up on this until CNC4 arrives. And I've other reasons as well. So I fixed my /etc/hosts problem. It was a bug on my Fedora that didn't have the mndss 64 bit package. That means I can now change my IP on the game to Hamachis. So my friend can see me but I can't see him. He can see my game but he gets the "time out" when trying to connect. The problem is that the game is not loading the It just says again: Code: ERROR: object '/tmp/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. That problem explains why I'm so close but not there yet. Now why it doesn't load the hack if I can compile it? When I had this problem before it was because I compiled with the -m64. But now I do can compile with -m32 and load it. It just doesn't load it like before probably because the glibc libs got updated here. So now how can I fix this? Any suggestions are welcome. I will post my progress here, I will make this game work. Sorry for the long post, I hope I'm making some sense.