Oh shoot! That would make sense. Ok, I deactivated it in Hardware Drivers, then I went to the command line and entered "sudo apt-get remove nvidia*", if I remember right. Then I rebooted, reinstalled EnvyNG, installed and reactivated. Still no go. But parts of it came back faster than it seems like they should have. Maybe I should have done something more like this? sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia* sudo rm /etc/init.d/nvidia* sudo update-rc.d nvidia-kernel remove Sorry, I'm still kind of a noob at the technical details when dealing with tricky drivers. In case it helps, here's my xorg.conf: Code: Section "Monitor" Identifier "Configured Monitor" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Monitor "Configured Monitor" Device "Configured Video Device" DefaultDepth 24 EndSection Section "Module" Load "glx" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Configured Video Device" Driver "nvidia" Option "NoLogo" "True" EndSection