I understand that you are new to Linux. If you come from Windows you must be used to the Add/Remove Programs menu, where _usually_ everything goes to. However, you should also remember that some programs never 'appeared' there. That's because the action: "Install" is nothing but copying files. There's nothing unique about it. How does it appear in Add/Remove then? Simple: some installers write information to the registry, to tell them what they are and where their uninstaller is. The uninstaller, by itself, only deletes files/registry keys etcetera. In Linux it's the exact same thing with package managers. A package only copies some files and settings, and then states that it is installed. If you compile from source, you're not building a package, you are only making some files, which happen to be programs! With that said, you may even install it in a different spot. For instance, imagine your package manager installed Wine to /usr/local. You may install Wine to /usr. Notice that, in the latter case, "to install" means "to copy into and set permissions". However, having two different installs in locations in your $PATH environment variable might be a very bad idea -- what will be used when, then? So you see, your package manager can not know where anything is by itself, it merely knows about its packages, which may .debs, .rpms, .craps or .bananas... Understanding this is very important if you're not used to Unix systems. For instance, Mozilla Firefox comes packaged as a .tar.gz file, if I recall correctly. That's not package, it's purely a set of files which you can put anywhere. Your package manager will not know anything about it. If you want to remove it, just delete the folder where you extracted it. In Windows, settings are stored in many places, but usually in the "My Documents" and "App/Application Data" (and in the registry). In Linux, *normally* settings are stored in your home folder ($HOME or ~, *usually* '/home/username') as 'Hidden Files'. Hidden Files are files which start with a dot ('.'). It's that simple. Wine stores it's user settings in ~/.wine by default. Since that folder (~/.wine) is usually created when Wine is launched for the first time, the Package Manager should not know about it and *probably* shouldn't remove it in case you uninstall/remove Wine from there. With that said, I recommend that you uninstall Wine from your package manager and then install (read: copy and set permissions -- make install) wine into...well...anywhere you want...usually /usr or /usr/local does the job. Wine can be used as it would normally, but, if you removed its package in the package manager, options such as "Open With Wine" *might* disappear. That's easy, just add them in your options yourself (make .exe files open with wine and all .exe files will do that too :)). If you thing something is wrong after this, open up a terminal and check the version you have by running wine --version (Or checking what winecfg says. Better than that, check BOTH wine --version and winecfg. If they differ: Big Mess). Hope this helped, Jorl17