This is for Wine 1.1.28 compiled under a customised personal Linux based on Slackware. When running winefile from a terminal, get a line: "fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias -720, std (d/m/y): 5/04/2009, dlt (d/m/y): 27/09/2009" Wine source: ../dlls/ntdll/time.c holds the function "find_reg_tz_info". Running: # WINEDEBUG=trace+ntdll wine winefile gives a dump of the trace statements for this function and shows the registry timezone information for timezones as it scans each. It cannot find a match. This I kind of expect as the TZ info for NZ has been altered recently so the wine source ../tools/ is incorrect. To do a quick fix I edited the registry timezone info for NZ and changed the day, month and hour to conform to the new values. However this still did not work!. Only when I changed the year to 2009 did it work ok. I think this is basically a bug in the ntdll, time.c functions as the year should not figure in the calculations?. A resulting reg file fix follows, with comments attached: [quote] REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT/CurrentVersion\Time Zones\New Zealand Standard Time] "Display"="Pacific/Auckland" "Dlt"="New Zealand Daylight Time" "Std"="New Zealand Standard Time" "TZI"=hex:30,fd,ff,ff,\ 00,00,00,00,\ c4,ff,ff,ff,\ d9,07,04,00,00,00,05,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\ d9,07,09,00,00,00,1b,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ; FFFFFD30 = -720 (LONG Bias) ; 00000000 = 0 (LONG StandardBias) ; ffffffc4 = -60 (LONG DaylightBias) ; 2009-04-05 2:00 (RTL_SYSTEM_TIME StandardDate) ; 2009-09-27 2:00 (RTL_SYSTEM_TIME DaylightDate)