I install Wine on Ubuntu 9.04, i have errors when run MS foxpro : namhv@ubuntu:/media/disk/ktgd$ wine foxprox.exe fixme:gdi:get_default_fonts unhandled charset 0x000000a3 - use ANSI_CHARSET for default stock objects err:int:DOSVM_Int15Handler int15: unknown/not implemented parameters: int15: AX 2403, BX e6f5, CX 0c6c, DX 00fc, SI 0cfe, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES f000 err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX ed00, BX 0c03, CX 4445, DX 5351, SI 0cfe, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX ed00, BX 0c04, CX 4445, DX 5351, SI 0cfe, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX ed00, BX 0c01, CX 4445, DX 5351, SI 0cfe, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX ed00, BX 0c02, CX 4445, DX 5351, SI 0cfe, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int15Handler int15: unknown/not implemented parameters: int15: AX bf02, BX 0c02, CX 4445, DX 0000, SI 0cfe, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX a1fe, BX 0081, CX 4445, DX 0000, SI 0cfe, DI 0c5a, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX fba1, BX 0081, CX 4445, DX 0000, SI 0cfe, DI 0c5a, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX f100, BX 0081, CX 4445, DX 0000, SI 0cfe, DI 0c5a, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX ed00, BX 5803, CX 000f, DX 005a, SI 0000, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int:DOSVM_Int2fHandler int2f: unknown/not implemented parameters: int2f: AX ed00, BX 5804, CX 000f, DX 005a, SI 0000, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int31:XMS_Handler int31: unknown/not implemented parameters: int31: AX 0500, BX c000, CX 000f, DX 005a, SI 0000, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b err:int31:XMS_Handler int31: unknown/not implemented parameters: int31: AX 0100, BX c080, CX 000f, DX ffff, SI 0000, DI 571e, DS 199b, ES 199b fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler no protected-mode dummy state save/restore handler yet err:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler int31: unknown/not implemented parameters: int31: AX 0a00, BX 11d7, CX 0001, DX 0000, SI 1c94, DI 0c3e, DS 11d7, ES 11d7 fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler get dpmi capabilities - unimplemented err:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler int31: unknown/not implemented parameters: int31: AX 0a00, BX 1000, CX 1000, DX 0000, SI 1c9e, DI 0ba2, DS 11d7, ES 11d7 fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x08) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x08) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x09) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x09) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0a) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0a) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0b) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0b) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0c) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0c) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0d) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0d) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0e) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x0e) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x00) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x00) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x04) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x04) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x05) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x05) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x06) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x06) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x07) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector (0x07) fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler physical address mapping (0xc0000000) - unimplemented fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler allocate descriptor (0x0004), stub! Phar Lap err 10093: Unable to allocate hardwired LDT descriptors from DPMI host err:int31:XMS_Handler int31: unknown/not implemented parameters: int31: AX 0600, BX 10c4, CX 3e14, DX 00bc, SI 5a66, DI 0b5e, DS 199b, ES 199b namhv@ubuntu:/media/disk/ktgd$ dir autobackup.bat DBF DI270309 FOXPROX.EXE PRG VNI B.DBF DEN DI301208 FOXUSER.DBF QUY WSTMP BUTRU DI DICH.FXP FOXUSER.FPT QUY1 BUTRU000.108 DI151208 DICH.PRG GD.BAT saoke CONFIG.FP DI240209 E.IDX LOI saoke_lai CONFIG.FXD DI260309 FOXPRO LUU TEMP please help me to fix this problem.