Just an extra note.I upgraded to a GTX275 from my previous 8800GT, and noticed pretty much no performance increase in any of the areas that counted.Oblivion's minimum FPS remained the same, as did Crysis, The Witcher, and Last Remnant.FEAR's average FPS increased from 90 to 120, but it's minimum fps of 42 remained the same. I'm guessing because the GT2xx architecture is pretty similar to the GT8/9x, it is really only a GT80/92 with extra shader processors.Which is very useful on windows with higher resolutions, but useless under linux because of wine bottlenecking it.It's possible that people running at 1900x1200 or greater may benefit, but people running at lower resolutions will likely not. Native and wine opengl programs have a substantial performance increase, but none of the opengl games I play needed any more fps. I should note also, that I have gained performance from overclocking my cpu and ram, so I will probably just sell the video card, and upgrade to an e8400 or similar.