I'd like to move my copy of TrueCAD to WINE. Its a well-behaved Win 95 program but uses anti-copy protection. It has a choice: - TrueCAD defaults to writing a security code to a hidden part of the disk at a known place. This is one of those annoying plots that looses your security code if you defrag the disk. Am I right in assuming that this won't work with WINE even if I can prize a new security code out of the vendors (its a very old program!) or is there a winetrick or other workround to make the app think its looking at a genuine Windows C: drive while it checks the security code? - to overcome the defrag problem TrueCAD can also use a parallel port dongle, which I've used with it for quite a while. Can applications running under WINE access these things? If so are there any restrictions? In particular, does CUPS block access to them? Martin