Hello, I am using World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, in a debian stable, I am using only stable pakages and only some program with backports The line for backports are this deb http://www.backports.org/debian lenny-backports main contrib non-free The line for backport of wine is this deb http://www.lamaresh.net/apt lenny main I install WoW in debian using the instructions of http://www.wowwiki.com/Wine My graphic is a NVidia GeForce 7600 GT, installed with the most actual driver of nvidia, the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.14-pkg1.run with a the linux kernel 2.6.20, manually installed. I am using KDE 3.5.10, and the driver is ok, using a resolution of 1024 x 768 in 24 bits. In normal mode, all efects of kde are on. In the test of search de problem of wow, all efects are OFF Using wine, I have low fps, more low than the game in windows xp profesional. In a 5 man instance, some fps down, fps monitor in yellow. But in 25 man instance (called "heroic raid") I can't play because the fps are very low. The fps monitor in the game are RED. I was search in internet about more fps for wine, and I find some webpages with: http://spiraledoutward.blogspot.com/2008/06/linux-and-wine-incomplete.html I change the regedit of wine, but the fps monitor are low, very low, yellow or red.