OK! Now i finally find where the problem is! And it's simple to solve! I find the fifa game will regard my "Logitech Dual Action" joystick as the "Default" joystick. That's why i can't use right analog stick even i change mapping in regedit Now the solution is just modify some contents in the installed game folder called (FIFA08 for example in the windows browser view): C:\Program Files\EA Sports\FIFA 08\deta\input\devdata.dat just edit this file with editor such as gedit, notepad(wine)... and search "Logitech Dual Action" in the content, like this [Image: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_TnX1PrvXerM/SkHJLCEHaDI/AAAAAAAAC7M/tsVlDeqV0GA/s800/devdata-dual%20action.jpg ] and then copy all the mapping values below this subject. Then search "Default", and paste what you copy to replace all the content but remain the title of gampad name. [Image: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_TnX1PrvXerM/SkHJLLwokYI/AAAAAAAAC7I/0Q54S9gh_Zw/s800/devdata-default.jpg ] and then copy this file to ~/FIFA 08/user/ now i can play with whole function in game! PS:maybe it will work with others non Logitech gamepad...