uranus0206 wrote: > yeah! Here is a screenshot of Xpadder via wine. > > You can see my axis all detected... "Axis Z" and "Axis Rz" stands right > > stick's horizontal and vertical direction > > > [Image: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_TnX1PrvXerM/SjfDEdrQJMI/AAAAAAAACqo/u-QiSemOS3s/s800/Screenshot.png ] And here is i test in windows Xp via virtualbox: [Image: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_TnX1PrvXerM/SjfGfpW9b3I/AAAAAAAACqs/nU57ZN-42V4/s800/Screenshot-1.png ] the results are the same,but i still can't play with that in my game...pitty [Crying or Very sad]