Austin English wrote: > On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 7:56 PM, K4Z00<wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > >> running photoshop elements 2 on xandros, wine 1.1.21 >> & sh winetricks jet40 vb5run corefonts mdac28 vcrun6 vb6run >> have also installed ies4linux >> >> program installs and runs well, however on loading asks 'wine needs gecko' and gives the option to install. if ignored program loads and runs, but some menus just say 'html rendering is disabled'. if installed gives error 'unable to continue...error is unrecoverable' >> >> deleting C:\\windows\\gecko enables the program to work with the warning on boot. >> the terminal output seems to be: >> >> Code: >> err:mshtml:check_version Could not open VERSION file >> >> >> >> editing as i post: installing sh wintricks ie6 seems to solve the issue, but why won't PSE 2 use the ies4linux to render. it seems to be needed to install the program. suppose i could try uninstalling ies4 now? might it be because it doesn't install to the default .wine folder? that would make sense. >> >> have i answered my own question? will try this now, but advice happily received! :D >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > ies4linux installs to its own wineprefix. > > True. The OP needs to install wine gecko using the established methods. Photoshop CS2 works well with it. James McKenzie