Hello, Sorry for my English but i'm french. I have a big Bug when I want to play at Prince of Persia : the Sand of Time on Debian Lenny. The graphism is horrible, I can't play. Look at this image : .http://www.hiboox.fr/go/images/jeu-video/bugpop,ae078e68a75b836f0c1ce7d83334c948.jpg.html I don't understand why I have this problem because when i launch PoP on Ubuntu 9.04, i can play, the graphism is good. I have installed correctly Wine and Directx9 (and vcrun2005 and her SP1) On Wine Regedit, i have this reglage : [code ]"DirectDrawRenderer"="Direct3D" "Multisampling"="enabled" "OffscreenRenderingMode"="fbo" "PixelShaderMode"="enabled" "UseGLSL"="enabled" "VertexShaderMode"="hardware" "VideoMemorySize"="512" [/code] I need help, i want to play at PoP. Thanks, PS: I have an ATI 4850Hd with catalyst 9.5 driver.