Thanks, I guess I must have set the override for the wrong executable in winecfg! Anyway, I just overrode it from the command: Code: ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/PhotomatixPro3 $ WINEDLLOVERRIDES="gdiplus=n" wine PhotomatixPro.exe fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Windows.Forms" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Drawing" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Drawing" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixMisc" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixImaging" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Accessibility" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Photomatix.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Photomatix.resources" fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32d028,0x00000000), stub! fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership (0x1d8 0x1653c8 0x32c934) stub! Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(HandleRef hdc, Object lf, IntPtr& font) at System.Drawing.Font.FromLogFont(Object lf, IntPtr hdc) at System.Drawing.Font.FromHfont(IntPtr hfont) at System.Drawing.SystemFonts.get_DefaultFont() at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Font() at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Font(Font value) at Photomatix.Forms.xf266856f631ec016.x85601834555fb7d5() at Photomatix.Forms.xf266856f631ec016..ctor() at Photomatix.Forms.xf266856f631ec016..ctor(String[] args) at Photomatix.Forms.xf266856f631ec016.xc447809891322395(String[] xce8d8c7e3c2c2426) wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000048 at address 0x70d37550 (thread 0042), starting debugger... Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000048 in 32-bit code (0x70d37550). Register dump: CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b EIP:70d37550 ESP:0032d858 EBP:0032d868 EFLAGS:00090246( R- -- I Z- -P- ) EAX:00110000 EBX:04443030 ECX:00000048 EDX:00000011 ESI:04443144 EDI:00000000 Stack dump: 0x0032d858: 04443200 04443144 00110000 04442fe8 0x0032d868: 0032d888 70de75be 00110000 0032d880 0x0032d878: 000001ca 044430b0 00110002 0000000e 0x0032d888: 0032d8b4 70d7bbae 000001ca 04442fe8 0x0032d898: 0444330e 00000000 04442ef0 00000005 0x0032d8a8: 044430b4 00000000 00000007 0032d8f0 Backtrace: =>0 0x70d37550 in gdiplus (+0x37550) (0x0032d868) 1 0x70de75be in gdiplus (+0xe75be) (0x0032d888) 2 0x70d7bbae in gdiplus (+0x7bbae) (0x0032d8b4) 3 0x70d37ee2 in gdiplus (+0x37ee2) (0x0032d8f0) 4 0x70d3822d in gdiplus (+0x3822d) (0x0032d910) 5 0x70d391b7 in gdiplus (+0x391b7) (0x0032da44) 6 0x70db6205 in gdiplus (+0xb6205) (0x0032dc60) 7 0x70db6404 in gdiplus (+0xb6404) (0x0032e2bc) 8 0x70d7524c in gdiplus (+0x7524c) (0x0032e308) 9 0x7ec56ff4 in gdi32 (+0x76ff4) (0x00000001) 10 0x00000000 (0x00000000) 0x70d37550: movl 0x0(%edi,%ecx,1),%ecx Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (73 modules) PE 400000- 6fe000 Deferred photomatixpro PE 3c60000- 3c8c000 Deferred photomatiximaging PE 10000000-10030000 Deferred photomatixmisc PE 5e380000-5e409000 Deferred diasymreader PE 60000000-60008000 Deferred accessibility PE 70d00000-70e91000 Export gdiplus PE 71590000-71617000 Deferred comctl32 PE 78130000-781cb000 Deferred msvcr80 PE 79000000-79045000 Deferred mscoree PE 79060000-790b3000 Deferred mscorjit PE 790c0000-794de000 Deferred mscorlib PE 79e70000-7a3d1000 Deferred mscorwks PE 7a440000-7a724000 Deferred system PE 7ade0000-7ae8e000 Deferred system.drawing PE 7afd0000-7b4e6000 Deferred ELF 7b800000-7b954000 Deferred kernel32<elf> \-PE 7b820000-7b954000 \ kernel32 ELF 7bc00000-7bcb0000 Deferred ntdll<elf> \-PE 7bc10000-7bcb0000 \ ntdll ELF 7bf00000-7bf04000 Deferred <wine-loader> ELF 7e462000-7e476000 Deferred lz32<elf> \-PE 7e470000-7e476000 \ lz32 ELF 7e476000-7e491000 Deferred version<elf> \-PE 7e480000-7e491000 \ version ELF 7e4b5000-7e63f000 Deferred shell32<elf> \-PE 7e4c0000-7e63f000 \ shell32 ELF 7e6a4000-7e711000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf> \-PE 7e6b0000-7e711000 \ rpcrt4 ELF 7e711000-7e80b000 Deferred ole32<elf> \-PE 7e730000-7e80b000 \ ole32 ELF 7e80b000-7e87a000 Deferred msvcrt<elf> \-PE 7e820000-7e87a000 \ msvcrt ELF 7e87a000-7e883000 Deferred ELF 7e883000-7e888000 Deferred ELF 7e888000-7e88c000 Deferred ELF 7e88c000-7e894000 Deferred ELF 7e894000-7e89e000 Deferred ELF 7e89e000-7e8a4000 Deferred ELF 7e8a4000-7e8a7000 Deferred ELF 7e8a7000-7e8c8000 Deferred imm32<elf> \-PE 7e8b0000-7e8c8000 \ imm32 ELF 7e8c8000-7e8cd000 Deferred ELF 7e8cd000-7e8e7000 Deferred ELF 7e8e7000-7e8eb000 Deferred ELF 7e8eb000-7e8f0000 Deferred ELF 7e8f0000-7e9df000 Deferred ELF 7e9df000-7e9ef000 Deferred ELF 7e9ef000-7ea07000 Deferred ELF 7ea07000-7ea10000 Deferred ELF 7ea21000-7eabd000 Deferred winex11<elf> \-PE 7ea30000-7eabd000 \ winex11 ELF 7eadd000-7eb04000 Deferred ELF 7eb04000-7eb31000 Deferred ELF 7eb31000-7eb47000 Deferred ELF 7eb47000-7ebbe000 Deferred ELF 7ebcf000-7ec70000 Export gdi32<elf> \-PE 7ebe0000-7ec70000 \ gdi32 ELF 7ec70000-7edbb000 Deferred user32<elf> \-PE 7ec90000-7edbb000 \ user32 ELF 7edbb000-7ee19000 Deferred shlwapi<elf> \-PE 7edd0000-7ee19000 \ shlwapi ELF 7ee19000-7ee6f000 Deferred advapi32<elf> \-PE 7ee30000-7ee6f000 \ advapi32 ELF 7ef99000-7efa5000 Deferred ELF 7efa5000-7efb0000 Deferred ELF 7efb0000-7efc9000 Deferred ELF 7efc9000-7efef000 Deferred ELF 7eff7000-7f000000 Deferred ELF b7d59000-b7d5d000 Deferred ELF b7d5d000-b7ec0000 Deferred ELF b7ec1000-b7eda000 Deferred ELF b7eeb000-b8026000 Deferred ELF b8028000-b8046000 Deferred Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 0000000c 0000001b 0 00000012 0 0000000e 0 0000000d 0 0000000f 00000017 0 00000016 0 00000015 0 00000014 0 00000011 0 00000010 0 00000018 0000001d 0 0000001c 0 0000001a 0 00000019 0 00000021 00000022 0 00000025 0000002c 0 0000002b 0 00000027 0 00000026 0 00000041 (D) C:\Program Files\PhotomatixPro3\PhotomatixPro.exe 00000045 0 00000044 2 00000043 0 00000042 0 <== Backtrace: =>0 0x70d37550 in gdiplus (+0x37550) (0x0032d868) 1 0x70de75be in gdiplus (+0xe75be) (0x0032d888) 2 0x70d7bbae in gdiplus (+0x7bbae) (0x0032d8b4) 3 0x70d37ee2 in gdiplus (+0x37ee2) (0x0032d8f0) 4 0x70d3822d in gdiplus (+0x3822d) (0x0032d910) 5 0x70d391b7 in gdiplus (+0x391b7) (0x0032da44) 6 0x70db6205 in gdiplus (+0xb6205) (0x0032dc60) 7 0x70db6404 in gdiplus (+0xb6404) (0x0032e2bc) 8 0x70d7524c in gdiplus (+0x7524c) (0x0032e308) 9 0x7ec56ff4 in gdi32 (+0x76ff4) (0x00000001) 10 0x00000000 (0x00000000) Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(HandleRef hdc, Object lf, IntPtr& font) at System.Drawing.Font.FromLogFont(Object lf, IntPtr hdc) at System.Drawing.Font.FromHfont(IntPtr hfont) at System.Drawing.SystemFonts.get_DefaultFont() at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Font() at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Font(Font value) at Photomatix.Forms.xf266856f631ec016.x85601834555fb7d5() at Photomatix.Forms.xf266856f631ec016..ctor() at Photomatix.Forms.xf266856f631ec016..ctor(String[] args) at Photomatix.Forms.xf266856f631ec016.xc447809891322395(String[] xce8d8c7e3c2c2426) Now its a SystemAccessViolation before the program even opens. Thanks, G