I have been trying to add a launcher to the gnome menu for some of my wine games, but I have found that when I add them to the menu the games complain about missing files, I assume because it is looking for the rest of the game files in the directory that the launcher is in. This doesn't happen when I run the same command within the games directory they work fine. I used to have this problem with Sam & Max Season One but I got round this by using this command: env WINEPREFIX="/home/ezekiel/.wine" wine "C:\\windows\\profiles\\ezekiel\\My Documents\\Games\\Sam and Max - Season One\\Episode 1 - Culture Shock Data\\SamMax101.exe" instead of just: wine "/home/ezekiel/Games/Sam and Max - Season One/Episode 1 - Culture Shock/SamMax101.exe The first works from the menu but the second only works from within the Culture Shock directory. But I tried the same thing with real myst but it didn't work, the new command: env WINEPREFIX="/home/ezekiel/.wine" /home/ezekiel/Games/realMYST/wine/wine "C:\\windows\\profiles\\ezekiel\\My Documents\\Games\\realMYST\\RealMYST.exe" Old command: /home/ezekiel/Games/realMYST/wine/wine ./RealMYST.exe (A small note I am using a local version of wine because real myst doesn't work with the latest version of wine but Sam & Max doesn't work with the stable version) Both the commands don't work unless I run them from a terminal within the real myst directory. Can anyone help?