Hi Austin, austin987 wrote: > Howdy, > <snip> > So wine-users, what are some of your favorite applications that have a > small download available and work (at least somewhat) well in wine? > <snip> Heres a list of my favorites that are standalone and have no need of an installer (most are zipped only) ----------------------------- HTTrack http://www.httrack.com/page/2/en/index.html Grab the version without the installer unzip all files in an empty folder launch WinHTTrack.exe ----------------------------- Convert for Windows http://joshmadison.com/software/download-convert-for-windows/ Just noticed that on the page he mentions: - Anything that runs Wine (not officially supported) and also: " 1. Convert runs quite well on Linux and UNIX using Wine. If you do this, you will need to change the tab layout to use a single row by going into Options > Preferences > Tabs, and uncheck the Multiple Lines option. " ----------------------------- Hex Editor XVI32 http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm Installation You don't need to execute a setup programm writing obscure data to your registry or updating DLLs in your Windows system folder. Simply proceed as follows: 1. Create a directory on your hard disk, e.g. C:\Program Files\XVI32 2. Unzip the downloaded archive xvi32.zip completely into this directory 3. Run XVI32.EXE Also have a look at his other freeware: http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/freeware.htm ----------------------------- HTML2Table http://www.stefan-pettersson.nu/site/html2table/ Installation: There is no need for any installation. Simply unzip all files into a prefered directory and run HTML2Table.exe He also has a few other suitable programs: eg: http://www.stefan-pettersson.nu/site/table2html/ ----------------------------- HTML Tag Stripper http://www.wimb.net/index.php?s=delphi&page=27 Install The program file and the help file can be copied to any convenient place on a Windows computer. No additional files or DLL's are needed. Other suitable programs also on the site ----------------------------- Advanced Process Termination http://www.diamondcs.com.au/advancedseries/apt.php He also has other freeware Windows Utilities: http://www.diamondcs.com.au/software.php ----------------------------- Resource Hacker http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/ ----------------------------- Mike Lin's Freeware *Startup Control Panel http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml *MCL (Mike's Command Line) http://www.mlin.net/MCL.shtml Also have a look at: SMP Seesaw Pro (has source code also) http://www.mlin.net/SMPSeesaw.shtml http://www.mlin.net/other.shtml ----------------------------- TClockEx http://www.rcis.co.za/dale/tclockex/ zip version on download page ----------------------------- Ken Silverman's Utility Page: http://advsys.net/ken/utils.htm EVALDRAW http://advsys.net/ken/download.htm and quite a few more his pages ----------------------------- Registry Trash Keys Finder http://www.databack4u.com/snc/rtkf_eng.html ----------------------------- TreeSize Free (download without the installer) http://www.jam-software.com/freeware/index.shtml couple other program that might be interesting: *HeavyLoad *FileList ----------------------------- Have a look on the following pages as well: http://www.programming.de/freeware_windows.php http://www.programming.de/freeware_windows_games.php ----------------------------- Keep up the great work, - Nat