DaVince wrote: > Probably a dumb question, but what do you do when people tell you to use a "clean wineprefix"? Do you reinstall Wine itself, remove ~/.wine, or change WINEPREFIX? Because just reinstalling Wine itself isn't gonna do a thing, and one of your earlier posts seemed to kinda point towards you doing this... A wineprefix is a directory Wine puts its configuration settings and fake drive c: in. The default is ~./wine, but you can use any other directory with the WINEPREFIX environment variable. A clean wineprefix is one with no apps installed other than the ones Wine itself puts there and no overrides or other tweaks; either deleting ~/.wine and recreating it or creating a brand new one with a different name will work. You're right, reinstalling Wine will not create a clean wineprefix; I never said it would.