On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 08:13 -0500, marcos_antonio_ps wrote: > If you read my question in the forum listed above you know that I'm trying to run > a Delphi database application developed in Windows using Wine. Database apps on Linux. My favourite topic :) 2 points. Firstly, Borland have a Linux version of Delphi, called Kylix. I bought Kylix version 1 ( and was pretty disappointed with it to be honest ). But later versions may have improved. Interestingly, Kylix was mostly Delphi on wine anyway. I think they've ported more of it to run native now. If you want to try running under Kylix, email me. Secondly, if you haven't invested too heavily in Delphi yet, I recommend checking out my Perl projects: Gtk2::Ex::DBI, Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI and PDF::ReportWriter. All are available on CPAN. We website is cactus at the moment ( story of my life ). All are open-source, cross-platform libraries that provide a nice environment for building database front-ends. Speaking from experience, Perl is *way* better than Object Pascal. Brings back some memories though :) Dan