Gert van den Berg wrote: > > You could try getting to start wine's cmd.exe. > > Not sure how.... A symlink / hardlink might work (No idea what to link > it to...) or a short script that starts cmd.exe (again, not sure if > this will work..) > [...] > Haven't anyone left a HOWTO? > I tried using a sym link and a hard link to drive_c/windows/system32/cmd.exe, and both don't work. I can't call the cmd.exe using "wine" just prints out : Code: matth@PCmatthieu:~/.wine/drive_c/windows$ wine COMMAND.COM wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\COMMAND.COM": Module introuvable And so this same error message appears when I run the setup.exe file for Rosetta Stone. I guess that's because it's not an .exe and wine checks for extensions before running it? As for any HOWTO about it, I couldn't find any, since people at the wine AppDB either managed to install it without any problem, or can't install it at all... chtit_draco