I'm trying to install Lords of The Realm II and while it doesn't affect whether or not you ca install the game, I have encountered two crashes if you allow the installer to test your system. The crashes occur when testing CDROM speed and when checking processor speed. CDROM speed test error: Code: 68 0x7eb1ee57 DispatchMessageW+0x103() in user32 (0x007fdff8) 69 0x7ead8cc2 IsDialogMessageW+0x6fa() in user32 (0x007fe068) 70 0x7ead7ba6 in user32 (+0x47ba6) (0x007fe0c8) 71 0x7eadc814 DialogBoxParam16+0x101() in user32 (0x007fe118) 72 0x7eadbed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 73 0x7eaa02bb in user32 (+0x102bb) (0x007fe168) 74 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe198) 75 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 69 0x7ead8cc2 IsDialogMessageW+0x6fa() in user32 (0x007fe068) 70 0x7ead7ba6 in user32 (+0x47ba6) (0x007fe0c8) 71 0x7eadc814 DialogBoxParam16+0x101() in user32 (0x007fe118) 72 0x7eadbed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 73 0x7eaa02bb in user32 (+0x102bb) (0x007fe168) 74 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe198) 75 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 76 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 70 0x7ead7ba6 in user32 (+0x47ba6) (0x007fe0c8) 71 0x7eadc814 DialogBoxParam16+0x101() in user32 (0x007fe118) 72 0x7eadbed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 73 0x7eaa02bb in user32 (+0x102bb) (0x007fe168) 74 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe198) 75 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 76 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 77 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 71 0x7eadc814 DialogBoxParam16+0x101() in user32 (0x007fe118) 72 0x7eadbed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 73 0x7eaa02bb in user32 (+0x102bb) (0x007fe168) 74 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe198) 75 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 76 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 77 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 78 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 72 0x7eadbed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 73 0x7eaa02bb in user32 (+0x102bb) (0x007fe168) 74 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe198) 75 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 76 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 77 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 78 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 79 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 73 0x7eaa02bb in user32 (+0x102bb) (0x007fe168) 74 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe198) 75 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 76 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 77 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 78 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 79 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 80 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x9a9a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 74 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe198) 75 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 76 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 77 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 78 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 79 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 80 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x9a9a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 81 0x7ee8a1e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 75 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 76 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 77 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 78 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 79 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 80 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x9a9a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 81 0x7ee8a1e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 82 0x7eb5df92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 76 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 77 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 78 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 79 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 80 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x9a9a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 81 0x7ee8a1e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 82 0x7eb5df92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 83 0x7eb64f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 77 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 78 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 79 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 80 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x9a9a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 81 0x7ee8a1e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 82 0x7eb5df92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 83 0x7eb64f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 84 0x7eb22df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 78 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 79 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 80 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x9a9a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 81 0x7ee8a1e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 82 0x7eb5df92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 83 0x7eb64f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 84 0x7eb22df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 85 0x7ea9fae3 in user32 (+0xfae3) (0x007fe5f8) 79 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 80 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x9a9a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 81 0x7ee8a1e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 82 0x7eb5df92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 83 0x7eb64f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 84 0x7eb22df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 85 0x7ea9fae3 in user32 (+0xfae3) (0x007fe5f8) 86 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe628) 80 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x9a9a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 81 0x7ee8a1e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 82 0x7eb5df92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 83 0x7eb64f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 84 0x7eb22df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 85 0x7ea9fae3 in user32 (+0xfae3) (0x007fe5f8) 86 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe628) 87 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 81 0x7ee8a1e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 82 0x7eb5df92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 83 0x7eb64f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 84 0x7eb22df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 85 0x7ea9fae3 in user32 (+0xfae3) (0x007fe5f8) 86 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe628) 87 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 88 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 82 0x7eb5df92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 83 0x7eb64f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 84 0x7eb22df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 85 0x7ea9fae3 in user32 (+0xfae3) (0x007fe5f8) 86 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe628) 87 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 88 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 89 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 83 0x7eb64f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 84 0x7eb22df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 85 0x7ea9fae3 in user32 (+0xfae3) (0x007fe5f8) 86 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe628) 87 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 88 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 89 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 90 0x127f:0x00fb (0x12c7:0x6350) 84 0x7eb22df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 85 0x7ea9fae3 in user32 (+0xfae3) (0x007fe5f8) 86 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe628) 87 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 88 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 89 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 90 0x127f:0x00fb (0x12c7:0x6350) 91 0x127f:0x00c8 (0x12c7:0x0000) 85 0x7ea9fae3 in user32 (+0xfae3) (0x007fe5f8) 86 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe628) 87 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 88 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 89 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 90 0x127f:0x00fb (0x12c7:0x6350) 91 0x127f:0x00c8 (0x12c7:0x0000) 86 0x7ee8a5ae in kernel32 (+0x9a5ae) (0x007fe628) 87 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 88 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 89 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 90 0x127f:0x00fb (0x12c7:0x6350) 91 0x127f:0x00c8 (0x12c7:0x0000) OS check and CPU speed test: Code: 49 0x7eb0de57 DispatchMessageW+0x103() in user32 (0x007fdff8) 50 0x7eac7cc2 IsDialogMessageW+0x6fa() in user32 (0x007fe068) 51 0x7eac6ba6 in user32 (+0x46ba6) (0x007fe0c8) 52 0x7eacb814 DialogBoxParam16+0x101() in user32 (0x007fe118) 53 0x7eacaed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 54 0x7ea8f2bb in user32 (+0xf2bb) (0x007fe168) 55 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe198) 56 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 50 0x7eac7cc2 IsDialogMessageW+0x6fa() in user32 (0x007fe068) 51 0x7eac6ba6 in user32 (+0x46ba6) (0x007fe0c8) 52 0x7eacb814 DialogBoxParam16+0x101() in user32 (0x007fe118) 53 0x7eacaed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 54 0x7ea8f2bb in user32 (+0xf2bb) (0x007fe168) 55 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe198) 56 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 57 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 51 0x7eac6ba6 in user32 (+0x46ba6) (0x007fe0c8) 52 0x7eacb814 DialogBoxParam16+0x101() in user32 (0x007fe118) 53 0x7eacaed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 54 0x7ea8f2bb in user32 (+0xf2bb) (0x007fe168) 55 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe198) 56 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 57 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 58 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 52 0x7eacb814 DialogBoxParam16+0x101() in user32 (0x007fe118) 53 0x7eacaed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 54 0x7ea8f2bb in user32 (+0xf2bb) (0x007fe168) 55 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe198) 56 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 57 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 58 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 59 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 53 0x7eacaed4 DialogBox16+0x4a() in user32 (0x007fe148) 54 0x7ea8f2bb in user32 (+0xf2bb) (0x007fe168) 55 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe198) 56 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 57 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 58 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 59 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 60 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 54 0x7ea8f2bb in user32 (+0xf2bb) (0x007fe168) 55 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe198) 56 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 57 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 58 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 59 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 60 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 61 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x999a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 55 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe198) 56 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 57 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 58 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 59 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 60 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 61 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x999a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 62 0x7ee791e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 56 0x1287:0x313f (0x12c7:0x5fea) 57 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 58 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 59 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 60 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 61 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x999a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 62 0x7ee791e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 63 0x7eb4cf92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 57 0x128f:0x05b5 (0x12c7:0x6216) 58 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 59 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 60 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 61 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x999a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 62 0x7ee791e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 63 0x7eb4cf92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 64 0x7eb53f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 58 0x1287:0x1e92 (0x12c7:0x6262) 59 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 60 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 61 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x999a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 62 0x7ee791e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 63 0x7eb4cf92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 64 0x7eb53f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 65 0x7eb11df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 59 0x1287:0x11c7 (0x12c7:0x62b6) 60 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 61 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x999a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 62 0x7ee791e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 63 0x7eb4cf92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 64 0x7eb53f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 65 0x7eb11df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 66 0x7ea8eae3 in user32 (+0xeae3) (0x007fe5f8) 60 0x1287:0x1318 (0x12c7:0x62ce) 61 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x999a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 62 0x7ee791e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 63 0x7eb4cf92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 64 0x7eb53f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 65 0x7eb11df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 66 0x7ea8eae3 in user32 (+0xeae3) (0x007fe5f8) 67 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe628) 61 0x101f:0x0468 in kernel32 (+0x999a0) (0x12c7:0x6308) 62 0x7ee791e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 63 0x7eb4cf92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 64 0x7eb53f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 65 0x7eb11df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 66 0x7ea8eae3 in user32 (+0xeae3) (0x007fe5f8) 67 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe628) 68 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 62 0x7ee791e0 K32WOWCallback16Ex+0x3a6() in kernel32 (0x007fe228) 63 0x7eb4cf92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 64 0x7eb53f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 65 0x7eb11df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 66 0x7ea8eae3 in user32 (+0xeae3) (0x007fe5f8) 67 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe628) 68 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 69 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 63 0x7eb4cf92 WINPROC_wrapper+0xb1e() in user32 (0x007fe558) 64 0x7eb53f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 65 0x7eb11df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 66 0x7ea8eae3 in user32 (+0xeae3) (0x007fe5f8) 67 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe628) 68 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 69 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 70 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 64 0x7eb53f7b CallWindowProc16+0x7f() in user32 (0x007fe5a8) 65 0x7eb11df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 66 0x7ea8eae3 in user32 (+0xeae3) (0x007fe5f8) 67 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe628) 68 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 69 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 70 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 71 0x127f:0x00fb (0x12c7:0x6350) 65 0x7eb11df6 DispatchMessage16+0x1c2() in user32 (0x007fe5e8) 66 0x7ea8eae3 in user32 (+0xeae3) (0x007fe5f8) 67 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe628) 68 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 69 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 70 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 71 0x127f:0x00fb (0x12c7:0x6350) 72 0x127f:0x00c8 (0x12c7:0x0000) 66 0x7ea8eae3 in user32 (+0xeae3) (0x007fe5f8) 67 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe628) 68 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 69 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 70 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 71 0x127f:0x00fb (0x12c7:0x6350) 72 0x127f:0x00c8 (0x12c7:0x0000) 67 0x7ee795ae in kernel32 (+0x995ae) (0x007fe628) 68 0x1287:0x3f67 (0x12c7:0x6316) 69 0x1287:0x3fdd (0x12c7:0x6326) 70 0x1287:0x2c78 (0x12c7:0x633e) 71 0x127f:0x00fb (0x12c7:0x6350) 72 0x127f:0x00c8 (0x12c7:0x0000) All of the other tests pass with flying colors. I merely wanted to report these two bugs so that they may get a fix in the future.