On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:36 AM, Sephiroth <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Still not helpful, even if root is the only one that can manage IPX (design flaw in the kernel, not good) Wine still won't operate as root. What good is having IPX in the kernel (or in Wine for that matter) if it's useless due to being root-only? > IPX seem to work for a normal user, unless you want to create lisetening sockets (which is needed for connectionless transports) For IP, the kernel allows non-root users to listen on ports above 1024 (or 1023, I'm not exactly sure). I have no idea why they haven't made a similar exception for IPX... And to use Wine as root, you should be using "su -" (with the dash) or a login in order to have the environment set up correctly. It requires apps to be installed seperately for root into their own WINEPREFIX as well. You might need to get root's DISPLAY and XAuthoritiy set up before X works... (A SSH session with X forwarding might be easier... 'ssh -X root@localhost' should do it (SSH need to be set up to allow root logins and X11Forwwarding))