Well finially after a very long journey I got wineasio to output Stereo :) Thanks to all for your help in other places where ever you are, and what I had been doing wrong was I was selecting in wincfg the Jack audio, and that didn't work it was always MONO, but this was tricky, someone told me to select ALSA in winecfg, but that didn't work, then I was told to select to asio from my sound app that wine was running. But there was one last thing I had to do, normally I copy the wineasio.dll.so to /usr/lib/wine/ then Register it from that directory, that is WRONG! I tried to just type regsvr32 wineasio from my home, and it works now! More things that might be helping are I was told to create a .wineasiocfg in my /home/usr/ account and type these 2 lines ASIO_INPUTS=8 ASIO_OUTPUTS=8 Because I didn't type regsvr32 wineasio in a term away from the actual wineasio.dll.so, it was not registering, others can quote me on this if they want to corrrect me. :D Be sure after you make a .wineasiocfg in your /home/user account like /home/bozo or something that like that you reboot your system, that way jack can reboot and it should work, but you must select asio in windows apps, or it will always be boring ol' mono.