Das Letzte Einhorn wrote: > I would like to know how you set yourself up to play over the network. I play a mod of Diablo (The Hell) which can be played over IPX under Windows with a few modifications. Do you use a Windows version of Hamachi in wine or you use a native Linux version? In terms of overall play I do as I do with other games. My linux hamachi (it _has_ to be the linux one, because hamachi uses drivers and these drivers are, AFAIK, not supported in Wine). is on, I'm online as usual. I open up a game with a shortcut I previously created and I play. I only know wine is there because I know a bit about the subject. Someone who came to my PC wouldn't realize that. However, you may want to check the AppDB for your app and, also, some topics that were discussed here regarding IPX (search them, I think they were related to another C&C game). There are, however, some games that require you to 'tell them' what the correct IP is. You can try to do this buy modifying your /etc/hosts file and poiting your host to your hamachi IP or by informing yourself if there is a specific file in the game directory (I had to do that with AoEIII). Anyway, firewall (router or Linux's) can also be in the way, but given you're using hamachi...