Playonline needs 32-bit true color

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I installed playonline under WINE on Ubuntu. It installed without any problem, and when I went to load it up it even starts to open up like it would in windows. But then an error appeared:


Error Code = 20008027
Can only be displayed properly in 32-bit true color. Start Playonline viewer anyway?


If I click no, it closes. If I click yes it actually starts up, plays music, and I can hear the sound it makes when it hovers over something I can click. But the screen is all black.

Now I know that 32-bit in Windows is 24-bit in Ubuntu, so I checked to make sure, and I do have 24-bit enabled in Ubuntu.

I don't know if the problem is just because WINE reports to the program that I am using 24-bit instead of 32-bit or if it's something more. In any case, I can't do anything blind.

I am aware that FFXI probably won't run perfectly if at all under WINE but I would like to at least get to the login screen so I can read my Playonline ID. My only backup of that is in the user information that I copied into that Playonline installation and at the moment I don't have access to windows so even if I won't be able to play I still need to get this to display.


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