Yesterday I tried to compile wine asio.I am running debian Squeeze and tried both the lenny and sid wine repos..but on compiling wine errors out and cant find this was yesterday so i cant remember the exact name ..but it was something like lobc32 ..something like that..maybe logbc32..but anyway..I uninstalled wine and wine-dev..and installed debian version of 1.0.1 along with libwine-dev..and it compiled fine.I want to try latest version of wine to see if improves vst support with dssi-vst....Synths made with Synthedit dont seem to work right now..Appregiator function dosent work.I want to try latest version of wine but want wine asio support.Is there a problem building wine asio against latest wine-dev??Or is this just a problem with the debian packages in wine repos?Or do i have to compile wine myself??