I dont think U understood me... Im not complaining that Wine isnt in Ubuntu package manager... (ofc there are just 3 versions...) Im rather would like to be able to download Wine 1.1.2 .deb package for Ubuntu 8.10 from Wine download page's .deb package archive. Cause it's not there and I just cant go to Ubuntu 8.10, cause I rly need that Wine version to be able to use some programs... Also I'm just a user, not a coder or anything... I simply like Ubuntu over Windows... I dont rly know how to describe a bug... bug description like "Crashes on startup" seems a bit short to me... I dont even remember how to launch progs using Wine in terminal, cause I remember I could see a bit more of reasons that makes program to crash... anyway... And most surely I dont know how to build Wine from source, though I did it once and then I had 2 Wine installations on 1 OS of which I could delete only the one from Ubuntu package manager, cause I have no idea how to delete non-deb packages... :p once I had such thing and I just did format all particions cause was too lazy to search forums... Ofc I could prolly learn that all, but I dont rly have time nor wish to do that... Anyway, I dont believe that there is no way you can add older Wine versions for new OS versions to deb package archive on wine download page... I'd be most grateful! :) Though I can prolly live on 8.04 for next 2,5 years cause it's LTS, but this idea doesnt seem so nice to me...