:TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: Hello, I posted a question earlier about advancing an important aspect of wine for Windows Vista/7, on a fresh account on wine I created (to give myself sort of a alias fun name) But, frankly .. please let me ask this question: (holding breath) :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: Are some moderators 'OVER-WHELMED'... i.E. information overloaded?... to the point of killing off good ideas that might advance, and open new opportunities for those pushing the information? :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: I am so sad... Because, I thought it is wrong to cleanse stress this way. :EVIL: :EVIL: :EVIL: :EVIL: I will repeat email again, but, I thought it was legal, and truth from the heart. Someone delete it and I feel wronged.... ..... I DONT KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE IT MAY MATTER, BUT IT WAS IT IS THE ISSUE thank you for listening, or if not, thank you anyway for reading. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS ISSUE :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: :TWISTED: I LOVE YOU GOD.... oK, THIS IS JUST HOW I FEEL,,... ANYONE ELSE???????????? JUST BEEP ME OFF, JUST DELETE ME. ;)