folks, hi, after some quiet advice i've tracked down a method for compiling python2.5 using msvcr80 that _will_ actually work both under native win32 and also under wine, but it's a _bit_ dodgy, as i couldn't track down where you're supposed to put Microsoft.VC80.CRT, except in the path of the application where it's running from. so, instead, i put the _contents_ of Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest into the manifest for the file, and this _does_ actually seem to work. i'm thinking of adding the Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest to the rc file (for compilation as a resource) to see if _that_ works, and will report back, but first i wanted to describe what i've done and see what people think: 1) created python_2.5_8.0_mingw_exe.manifest contents as follows, this is _normally_ what is in Microsoft.VC80.CRT _not_ in the .exe.manifest <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?> <assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'> <file name="msvcr80.dll" hash="10f4cb2831f1e9288a73387a8734a8b604e5beaa" hashalg="SHA1"><asmv2:hash xmlns:asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2" xmlns:dsig=""><dsig:Transforms><dsig:Transform Algorithm="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:HashTransforms.Identity"></dsig:Transform></dsig:Transforms><dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:DigestMethod><dsig:DigestValue>n9On8FItNsK/DmT8UQxu6jYDtWQ=</dsig:DigestValue></asmv2:hash></file> <file name="msvcp80.dll" hash="b2082dfd3009365c5b287448dcb3b4e2158a6d26" hashalg="SHA1"><asmv2:hash xmlns:asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2" xmlns:dsig=""><dsig:Transforms><dsig:Transform Algorithm="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:HashTransforms.Identity"></dsig:Transform></dsig:Transforms><dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:DigestMethod><dsig:DigestValue>0KJ/VTwP4OUHx98HlIW2AdW1kuY=</dsig:DigestValue></asmv2:hash></file> <file name="msvcm80.dll" hash="542490d0fcf8615c46d0ca487033ccaeb3941f0b" hashalg="SHA1"><asmv2:hash xmlns:asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2" xmlns:dsig=""><dsig:Transforms><dsig:Transform Algorithm="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:HashTransforms.Identity"></dsig:Transform></dsig:Transforms><dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:DigestMethod><dsig:DigestValue>YJuB+9Os2oxW4mY+2oC/r8lICZE=</dsig:DigestValue></asmv2:hash></file> </assembly> 2) created python_2.5_8.0_mingw_exe.rc contents as follows: #include "winuser.h" 2 RT_MANIFEST PC/python_2.5_8.0_mingw_exe.manifest you could get away with 2 24 PC/..... and could exclude the #include 3) added a rule to to create the .res as a binary: # This rule builds the .res file for the Python EXE, required when # linking and using msvcrt80 or above. good luck to us all... $(PYTHONEXEMSVRES): $(srcdir)/PC/python_$(VERSION)_$(MSRTVER)_exe.manifest \ $(srcdir)/PC/python_$(VERSION)_$(MSRTVER)_mingw_exe.rc windres --input $(srcdir)/PC/python_$(VERSION)_$(MSRTVER)_mingw_exe.rc \ --output $(PYTHONEXEMSVRES) \ --output-format=coff 4) added $(PYTHONEXEMSVRES) to the objects to be linked. stunningly, this actually works (of course, you need an msvcr80.dll for it to work duh). i tried finding a location to place the Microsoft.VC80.CRT.Manifest, prior to this hack - a wine dump showed this: 0009:trace:actctx:lookup_assembly looking for name=L"Microsoft.VC80.CRT" version=8.0.50727.762 arch=L"x86" 0009:trace:heap:RtlAllocateHeap (0x110000,00000002,00000038): returning 0x115148 0009:trace:file:RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U (L"C:\\windows\\winsxs\\manifests",0xff8c7d08,(nil),(nil)) 0009:trace:file:RtlGetFullPathName_U (L"C:\\windows\\winsxs\\manifests" 520 0xff8c79f4 (nil)) attempts to copy the manifest into that directory resulted in "no joy". so, i'm a bit stuck, and would appreciate some advice on whether the above is acceptable (yes i know it makes sure that python.exe can only use one _very_ specific version of msvcr80.dll - and there are currently two: 8.0.50727.762 and 8.0.50608.0. also i'd appreciate some advice on what the _really_ best way to do this is. and on where the hell i'm supposed to put the VC80.CRT manifest so it will actually... _do_ something! l.