I am attempting to play vaguardsoh It has install and patches fine I have 8.10 of Ubuntu and just upgraded to 1.1.12 of Wine I receive my error right before the loading of the character section screen. The error I receive is: wine: Call from 0x7b8456d0 to unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXGetShaderConstantTable, aborting [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: FD3DVertexShader::Serialize [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: UD3DRenderDevice::SerializeCompiledShaders [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: UD3DRenderDevice::LoadCompiledShadersFromFile [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: UD3DRenderDevice::Flush [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: SetViewport [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: UD3DRenderDevice::Lock [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: UViewport::Lock [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: UWindowsViewport::Lock [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: Vignette::_Draw [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: Vignette::Draw [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: UGameEngine::Init [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Critical: InitEngine [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError [01/03/09 08:39:00] FATAL: Exit: OpenAL Audio subsystem shut down. fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub richard@richard-desktop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Sony/Vanguard$ any ideas as to where I should look?