I just ran across a nice little summary of problems with Ubuntu from somebody who set up a machine for an older friend a while ago, and has been maintaining it ever since. http://web.oesterchat.com/2008/12/30/was-alles-schief-geht-wenn-man-ubuntu-vorfuehren-will/ English robotranslation: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=+http%3A%2F%2Fweb.oesterchat.com%2F2008%2F12%2F30%2Fwas-alles-schief-geht-wenn-man-ubuntu-vorfuehren-will%2F&sl=de&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 "Probleme mit der Einstellung der Schriftgröße Da man mit Mitte 50 nicht mehr so gute Augen hat, musste die Schriftgröße des Systems angepasst werden. Für GNOME ist das kein Problem: rechte Maustaste auf den Desktop und Schriftgrößen ändern. ... [Bei] WINE: Man kann dort zwar auch die Schriftgröße ändern, aber wird die Schrift zu groß, wird immer mehr von den Buchstaben von unten abgeschnitten und irgendwann kann man gar nichts mehr lesen. Argh! Auch WINE-Anwendungen sollten die Schriftgröße des Systems automatisch übernehmen." "Problems with setting text size Since eyes don't work so well once you hit your mid-50's, the text size of the system has to be adjusted. For Gnome, that's no problem; right click on the desktop and change the font size. .... But with Wine, although you can change the font size, it becomes too big, and more and more of the letters are cut off at the bottom, and at some point, you can't read anything anymore. Argh! Wine applications should automatically use the system's text size settings!" The frustrating thing about text size settings in Wine is that they're not universal... the screen resolution setting in winecfg (which I assume he was trying) doesn't control everything, e.g. menu items and text in Notepad. It would be nice if we at least had a winecfg setting for that, too. (While playing around, I noticed that our wordpad doesn't behave well, and filed http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16686 for one problem.)