On WinHQ's home page in the menus on the left you will find GIT. This allows you to download the whole wine source and provides tools to compile and build it. This is the best way to get the latest version of wine as once you have done it once, updates are quite easy. However, that first time is pretty heavy going if you do not have all the dependancies you need and you have to figure it out and do something about it yourself. Solving the libgphoto2 problem should be easy in comparison. Can we have another go at libgphoto2. If I use Yast, Software Management and search for libgphoto2 I get:- libgphoto2, libgphoto2-32bit,libgphoto2-devel and libgphoto2-lang all ticked as being installed. Do you? If not, are they listed but not ticked and what happens if you tick them and try to install them. If they are ticked and you look in /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 what do you find related to libgphoto2?