Thanks James, I followed the instructions you offered and did the backup. I then attempted to install, but have the same error. Here is the output from the terminal: zenarcher@zenarcher-desktop:~$ winefile fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub! fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x7cd669f8, overlapped 0x7cd669dc): stub fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub wine: configuration in '/home/zenarcher/.wine' has been updated. fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "c:\\5a211415b\\" 00000000 fixme:setupapi:SetupInitializeFileLogA Stub (null), 0x5 fixme:shell:IShellLinkA_fnGetPath (0x15f7f8): WIN32_FIND_DATA is not yet filled. fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub zenarcher@zenarcher-desktop:~$ Cheers, zenarcher