>2 0x60b51b11 function_return_ex+0x281(level=3, handle=<register ESI not in topmost frame>, ret_code=-1, save_to_diag=0) [/root/unixODBC-2.2.12/DriverManager/__info.c:4791] in libodbc.so.1 (0x7ed37dbc) Are you running as root? If so, this may be the cause of your problem. If you are running as Oracle, why did you install the ODBC as root? > >I request to fix this issue where exactly the problem could be. I think you want someone to fix this for you. The problem appears to be that the unixODBC program is causing Wine to crash. I do have a request for you: Please install the Windows Oracle Client and see if you can tnsping your Oracle server. James Mckenzie