dirkmitt wrote: > > Unfortunately, it's not possible to file a bug report about Dragon Naturally Speaking, because there are about 25 so-called bug reports already, which do not state any bugs. > > The existing bug reports seem to be reports from various users, in which each of them was able to install DNS better than the previous one, and according to each so-called bug report, there was no bug. > > So a real bug report, once again, will not get seen there. > Sounds like you are mistaking the comments on the AppDB page for bug reports. These are not bug reports. Bug reports are in bugzilla. A quick search turned up 18 bugs for DNS, but I don't see your problem mentioned. http://bugs.winehq.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=dragon+naturally+speaking You should run a regression test following these instructions: http://wiki.winehq.org/RegressionTesting and file a bug report.