I recently installed Ubuntu 8.10 and, ever since then, I am not able to play any PopCap games at all whatsoever via Wine. Everytime I play any PopCap game via Wine, I get the following error message.... [Image: http://www.geocities.com/reeslester/errormsg.png ] Can anybody please explain to me what this means and what can be done to fix this problem? Here is the entire bugging message contained in that error window: Exception: Access Violation (code 0xc0000005) at address 00454D55 in thread 1A Module: popcapgame1.exe Logical Address: 0001:00053D55 0032E5E0 00454D55 0001:00053D55 popcapgame1.exe Params: 00000000 0032E608 00000800 0032EE6C 0032EE90 00454461 0001:00053461 popcapgame1.exe Params: 004E9DC0 7EE34047 0032EF3C 0032F024 0032EEF8 00453A09 0001:00052A09 popcapgame1.exe Params: 0032EF3C 00000000 0033FEF8 C0000005 0032EF10 004B4386 0001:000B3386 popcapgame1.exe Params: 00000000 0032EF3C 004B22B3 0032EF44 0033FF08 004AB9C4 0001:000AA9C4 popcapgame1.exe Params: 7FFDF000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0033FFE8 7EE66C18 start_process+98 Params: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 StackWalk failed (error 998) EAX:00000050 EBX:00000000 ECX:00110054 EDX:00110058 ESI:00000000 EDI:00000000 EIP:00454D55 ESP:0032E5B8 EBP:0032E5E0 CS:0073 SS:007B DS:007B ES:007B FS:0033 GS:003B Flags:00210206 Windows Ver: NT 5.1 Service Pack 2 Build 2600 DDraw Ver: DSound Ver: Product: RocketMania Version: 1.01 Build Num: 84 Build Date: Mon Sep 08 22:30:57 2003 Time Loaded: 00:00:14 Times Played: 0 Fullscreen: Yes Primary ThreadId: 1A BTW, I am using Wine v1.1.9. And yes, I did try using Wine 1.0.1 and I did get the same results. Thanks to anyone who can help me.