Hairyloon wrote: > After a succession of failed attempts spread over a few years, I have finally got a Linux installation that does nearly everything I need it to. > I've also got Wine working on at least a few things. > > However there are occasions when I want to dip back into Windoze, and so I've got a dual boot system, which is OK, but it could be a heck of a lot better. > > The relevant points are: WINE runs on its own virtual C drive, and Windoze runs on the actual C drive. Can I get them both to use the same, so that if I install a programme on one, it will work on the other (some work fine wherever, but some do registry changes or something). > The other thing is internet & email. I use Firefox on both, can I set it up so that if I bookmark a page on one, it will be bookmarked on the other? You cant do that and should not point Wine to an actual Windows partition.