Hi all, First of all, thanks to the devs for this great program. (and sorry for my bad english) Here's my problem: I don't know where to start so I'll just include a screenshot here: [Image: http://www.imagebucket.in/images/t9v6qp1bqk8c810jw8f_thumb.jpg ] (http://www.imagebucket.in/viewer.php?file=t9v6qp1bqk8c810jw8f.jpg) My laptop uses X3100 graphics card. The drivers on ubuntu 8.10 that came with it seem to work well. 3d is enabled, desktop effects work, glxgears runs ok etc. However, I can't run any 3d game on Wine. I also can't even run linux games like Nexuiz. What does the screenshot suggest?