On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 8:52 AM, monohouse <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > emule 0.48a on a from-source-compiled-without-compiler-optimizations Wine 1.1.7 uses excessive (infinite) amounts of memory with an estimated consumption rate of 1MB/minute until the system runs out of memory, I have yet to test other versions of either wine or emule, but I suspect this: > > wine or emule versions do not matter, there will always be a memory leak, and it is obvious that it is not a wine problem, but rather an emule problem, fact is that alote of programs work fine, the reason that I mention this here, is because noone else does, and because I heard that wine should be able to overcome some of the flaws in windows programs, and because I was wondering if this is one of them > > > > > > Does this occur under Windows? -- -Austin