Howdy BSD/Solaris/OS X'ers, A lot of progress has been made fixing the conformance tests for Wine, but unfortunately, most of this progress has only been made on the Linux end. Most developers are using some form of Linux, so BSD/Solaris/OS X haven't seen their pass rate increase. But you can help! For more info, see: But for the short version: 1. Be sure you're using the latest git 2. Download 3. Run it in a clean WINEPREFIX. 4. Be sure to use an appropriate label. For example, I use: aenglish-pc-bsd7 or aenglish-opensolaris. This will give developers more information to identify bugs on these OS's. For bonus points, run daily, as new tests and fixes are added daily (usually Monday-Friday, unless Alexandre is working overtime :-D). -- -Austin