On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 21:12 -0500, Justterrible wrote: > I've taken my medication so I'm calm now. > > gdebi-gtk is my friend now. > > I think I'll move away from Ubuntu altogether and try and find a more compatible linux. Hmmm. There's no such thing. There are less compatible distros. I was under the impression that someone was maintaining a Wine repository for Ubuntu. Isn't this still alive? Oh. I just re-read your subject line. Why are you using 7.10? If you update to 8.04, you can use the repository listed at: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb > There are hundreds of flavours out there. I need a distro where I can compile source code as well as install ready to go packages. > So far I've had 2 recommended distros: Gentoo and Arch. If you're just migrating from Windows, then I would stay well clear of 'pure' Gentoo ... and I'm a long-time Gentoo user. You can try Sabayon ( a modded Gentoo with a binary package managemet system ), but to be honest, it's not *quite* as polished as Ubuntu just yet. It's getting there very quickly though. If I were you I'd stick with Ubunutu. You've had some teething problems, sure. I think this could be fixed if Ubuntu either installed development libraries, or gave newbies an easy way to install them. > Is there a pure generic Linux out there? Gentoo's pretty close to it - it's described as a meta-distribution. You can go even further and try LinuxFromScratch. But seriously I don't think you want to go that way if you've had problems installing things with Ubuntu. What are you after exactly? Things to 'just work'? If yes, I think Ubuntu is the way to go. If you have time spare for reading wikis, playing with config files, and generally screwing around, then go for Sabayon / Gentoo. Dan