Also, whenever I go to install vcrun2005sp1, here's the output I'm getting: Code: ~$ sh winetricks Executing wine /home/dayosh/.winetrickscache/vcrun2005sp1/vcredist_x86.exe fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP000.TMP\\" 00000000 fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP001.TMP\\" 00000000 fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"dayosh" (nil) 0x33f7fc (nil) 0x33f800 0x33f7f4 - stub fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"dayosh" 0x1583a8 0x33f7fc 0x132190 0x33f800 0x33f7f4 - stub fixme:msi:ACTION_HandleStandardAction unhandled standard action L"SetODBCFolders" fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub RemoveExistingProducts -> 1 ignored L"Upgrade" table values fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub MsiUnpublishAssemblies -> 10 ignored L"MsiAssembly" table values Install of vcrun2005sp1 done winetricks done. I'm not sure if that means it installed properly, and the "stubs" and whatnot or normal, or if that means it met an error or two along the way...anyone have any ideas?