Thank you for the pointer. I understand the point of the uid, gid, and umask options on the mount of an NTFS file system. Since NTFS does not support the UNIX file permissions model it must be emulated. uid permits specifying the userid that will appear to be the owner of the files, for example. However this only effects who can change the permissions on files in the NTFS partition. The default behaviour of ntfs-3g permits anyone to read, update, and execute files in the partition. When I issue ls -l against any file in the partition it displays: -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root ... Furthermore I have updated many files within the partition using various linux based tools. The only program that fails is this one I am trying to run under Wine. Note that the file dialog has no problem traversing the folder hierarchy. Perhaps I need to collect more documentation. Should I enable some of the Wine debug options to understand why this application is unable to open the file?