GamezR2EZ wrote: > Alright, i have been trying for a while now to do the following, i have googled up and down, searched this forum and the like. > I have a .bat file that i created to help me convert my music. The problem i have is the .bat file calls an .exe and sends it several parameters. Here is an exerpt of it: > > Code: > > If ~%1 == ~ GOTO end > C:\Music\Lame_Encoder\lame.exe -b 320 -F -h %1 "%~d1%~p1%~n1 - 320.mp3" > > > Don't waste your time on neutered "shell scripting". Use the real thing: Code: #!/bin/bash [[ -f "$1" ]] && lame -b 320 -F -h "$1" "$HOME/Desktop/$(basename ${1%%.*}).mp3" This of course assumes you did install lame package.