Greetings, OK, I'm that I did not make it clear enough to say exactly who I was petitioning. I was not trying to pressure Wine developers, they are doing all they can and they are doing well. I am very very thankful of the work that the devs do. Basically, as I didn't communicate strongly enough - I am looking support from Wine users or anybody interested in the success of Wine. (I acutally prefer to spell it WINE because of the acronym) My understanding was that PB worked for most games but failed the Genuine Windows check which resulted in being booted from the server. If some native Linux games (Americas Army for example) have a version of punkbuster which was modified from base code - why not make a version of PB for WINE using the PB for Windows base code? Is that unreasonably hard? I am trying to gather proof of interest in an attempt to motivate/interest/justify Even Balance to make a version of PB for Wine. It does not have to always be an uphill battle, if we can get some help from Even Balance it could make things much easier. Take Google Picasa for example (or Google Earth?). These applications did not initially work in Wine - but with some inside help (sorry I forgot your name) Google popped out a "Linux" client taking advantage of Wine. I believe that the so-called Linux client for EVE online is actualy a slightly modified (and bastardised, it's horrible) Windows Eve client with Cedega. A little help from the other side is what I am aiming to encourage.