Re: winetricks or not ?

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On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:49 PM, chourmovs <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> we often say here directx installation can break wine
> What about Dan kegel winetricks ?
> It is safe to install microsoft distribuable package or it may break wine ?
> What we can do, what we can't ?
> For exemple, when wine console tell us msvcr80.dll is missing, what is better or safer:
> - installing vcrun2005 via winetricks
> - copy the missing downloaded dll in system32 ?
Probably copying it from a windows directory or extracting the runtime
from the installer and copying that... (Probaly to the program folder
in a separate WINEPREFIX as well if you are really paranoid...)

I think the (non-DirectX) redistributables is probably a bad example,
as it is necessary to install them on Windows as well...

You have no way of knowing that the downloaded DLL is not virus infected...

WINEPREFIXes really make the damage of a mistake a lot less...

You might get quite a decent trusted, safe DLL collection by
installing everything into a separate WINEPREFIX with winetricks and
copying all the DLL files before deleting it...


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