On Sat, 13 Sep 2008, Grimhound wrote: > jorl17 wrote: > > Hi. Followign the tutorial you'll get it running, but abotu the > > friends issue, it seems that you must hover the frinds' name to > > refresh it. There is an open bug relative to this and it is still > > something that hurts me. Good luck with Steam! (remember to disable > > community in-game) > > Is there any way to get it working to Windows-level with any of the > other programs meant to bring Steam to Linux? What do you mean? After applying the changes detailed here[1], I was able to successfully buy, install, and run Half-Life 1 and its add-ons. A big sanity-saver was realizing that Wine seems to tell Steam that using the only most bleeding-edge DirectX is okay. You need to set the launch parameters within Steam to get things sane. Here's a shell script that I use to launch Half-Life 2: #!/bin/sh WINEDEBUG=fixme-all wine C:/Program\ Files/Steam/Steam.exe \ -user user password\ -fullscreen -width 1440 -height 900 -applaunch 220 \ -dxlevel 81 -novid -silent\ -heapsize 512000 +map_background none \ -script init "$@" Now for some problems I've had: 1) Steam will randomly forget my password or both my username and password, forcing me to input them manually. When I think I've nailed down what's causing this, the cause shifts elsewhere. Lately this hasn't been a problem. 2) Certain places in Half-Life 2 will cause the framerate to drop to one every two or three seconds and broken-record audio glitches. It happens when Alyx says "Uh oh, look at the monitor" (noted on the Wine website). In Episode 1, this happens when you rejoin Alyx after she goes to check on the reactor. The solution is to start the game with "-dxlevel 61" just prior to the glitch point and let the video on the ingame monitor finish, then save and restart with "-dxlevel" set to what it was before. 3) Portal doesn't want to let me load alternate maps. I select the file I want to load from the obvious place, but nothing actually happens. If I manually put the contents of the map archive where they need to go, I see the alternate map appear in the menu, but selecting it does nothing. Has anyone sucessfully loaded alternate maps for Portal or Half-life 2? [1] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-433548.html. I can't access it right now due to a 503 error. -- David Griffith dgriffi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?